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The End Is Near

Carolyn F. Segal considers why so many pundits predict the demise of so many things.

Dancing With Kate Smith

Rob Weir offers advice on how to prepare a syllabus.

Motherhood After Tenure: My Sabbatical Adventure

Last week I responded to one of those time-wasting Facebook memes that asked me to describe my life using only...

New York Times Misses Point: In Related Story, Sun Rises in East

Several alert readers sent me links to this story in the New York Times. The headline -- “In Tough Times...

A big one up, but a bigger one down

Conventional wisdom has it that 70% of the information received from a message is based on how the messenger looks...

Guest Post: Sean Carman

As I've said, one of the nice things about the AWP conference was meeting in person some of those whom...

Poster Children

This story in IHE is worth checking out, especially with all the comments. It's about Florence Babb, who is apparently...

ABCs and PhDs: Balancing the little stuff (or, stopping for slugs)

Last fall I broke my pinkie toe. Already running late, I had rushed back into the house to grab a...