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Administrative Searches in the Recession

Jean Dowdall explores how the downturn is likely to affect colleges looking to hire senior administrators, and their potential candidates.

Who Really Pays for Assessment?

A professor describes what accountability looks like on campus, and suggests that administrators or lawmakers be required -- when adopting requirements -- to estimate the hours needed.


Dr. Crazy has a nice discussion over at her place about battles over curriculum. As she details it, her department...

Lost and Found in the Classroom

Ellen Goldberger considers ideas of the labyrinth and the maze -- and experience with mediation -- as she thinks about reaching her students.

Math Geek Mom: Risky Parenting

Today I taught about Bay’s Theorem and Bayesian Statistics in my Advanced Statistics class. As I was lecturing, I talked...

Four, Going on Thirty

The Girl is four, with big innocent eyes and a smile that could melt the Grinch. She also has juuust...

Balloons, bathtubs and (fill in the blank)

While we're on the subject of visual presentation of information, I just want to point out that part of the...

An Essay in War, Literature

A longish essay I wrote last year has appeared in the twentieth-anniversary issue of the terrific literary journal War, Literature...