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LSU Fires Tenured Shreveport Professor, Environmental Advocate

A tenured professor at Louisiana State University at Shreveport who was accused by his campus chancellor of “creating a toxic...
Pennsylvania capital building

Penn. Lawmakers Propose Dueling Plans to Overhaul Higher Ed

Both parties have introduced separate bills outlining their own vision on how best to carry out the higher education overhaul Governor Shapiro called for in January.

Judge Says LSU Shreveport Broke Open Meetings Law

A judge has ruled that Louisiana State University at Shreveport violated the state’s open meetings law in a faculty member’s...

San José State Suspends SJP Faculty Adviser

San José State University has suspended a Justice Studies professor who’s also faculty adviser for the campus chapter of Students...
A photo illustration containing some recommendations from a draft report by a North Dakota State Board of Higher Education committee.

Tenure Under Fire—Again—in North Dakota

Republican lawmakers and a university president pushed a bill last year that would diminish faculty job protections at two institutions. It failed by a hair, but the State Board of Higher Education has taken up the mantle.

A photo illustration comparing North Carolina’s proposed REACH Act with the University of North Carolina System’s new policy.

Lawmakers Sought to Mandate Class on Founding Documents. What Were Professors to Do?

Conservative groups are pushing civics requirements in higher education, not just K-12. In North Carolina, undergraduates now must study the founding documents. Will other states follow?

A photo illustration combining a photograph of the Iowa State Capitol with an excerpt of Senate File 2435 atop it.

Iowa Lawmakers Pass Last-Minute Ban on DEI, Institutional Statements

The Republican-controlled Iowa General Assembly ratcheted up restrictions issued by the state Board of Regents, sending the governor one of the nation’s broadest DEI bans.

New York Will Require Students to Complete FAFSA or Opt Out

New York State will require public school districts to certify that every high school senior completes the Free Application for...