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From the Editors: Our Updated Look

A guide to the changes and new features on the revamped Web site we are unveiling today.

Sparrows in the Lion's Den: Welcome to NACIQI

(Editor’s note: When Congress renewed the Higher Education Act last summer, lawmakers scuttled the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality...

Introducing Myself

Teresa Mangum offers perspective on the job search -- having launched hers during a previous economic downturn.

A Dish Best Served Cold

Shakespeare wrote one of the most savage plays in the canon. Scott McLemee visits the dark side.

AWP: Final

Look, I’m not a conference guy. I’m a walk in the woods guy, an afternoon tea guy, a thicken-the-stew-with-flour, homebody-underwater-Emily-Dickinson-multipledraft-Boston-Fern-natural-light-kids-on-the-lap...

Let Professors Choose

As they look to cut their budgets, college administrators shouldn't impose across-the-board, one-size-fits-all solutions -- hiring freezes, salary cuts, etc. -- on their faculties, James Miller argues.

Math Geek Mom: Finding a Voice

When I was in high school in the late 1970s, I was very good at doing well in my classes...

Process and Word Problems

Academic administrators aren't the only administrators on a campus. We routinely interact with the folks who run the business side...