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Of Love

A distinguished philosopher sums up his thoughts on love. The more you give....


Rule One: Never make your reader laugh when she's not supposed to.SUNY Binghamton got blasted in the New York Times...

Why I Teach Intro

Robert Brym considers the professional values of embracing the 101 courses so many professors avoid.

The Miserable Colleague

C.K. Gunsalus considers the options when you work in a great department, except for one person who has administrative clout and drives you crazy.

Mothering at Mid-Career: Black Belt!

Just under a year ago, I wrote my first piece for Inside Higher Ed. It wasn’t for this blog, which...

Moments of Truth

The indefatigable Lesboprof has a great post up about a couple of legislators from Georgia who are using the economic...

The car we need is not the one we're paying for

A while back, I said it would be a bad idea to bail out the auto companies. I noted that...

Some Meetings Are Actually Useful...

As the year has become progressively more surreal, I've been finding much more value in the occasional meetings I have...