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The Moviegoer

Whatever happened to cinephilia? Scott McLemee loses it at the movies....

Getting Started in a Lab

New graduate students need to ask the right questions to pick the best place to work and launch their careers, writes Tom Daniel.

Happy hypocrisy

Promoting sustainability at Greenback U. brings me into constant contact with both students and faculty. Each group has what I...


The story in the Chronicle yesterday about California paying its community colleges in IOU's got me thinking about reserves, and...

Meshing Speechwriting and Budget Making

President Obama's speech last week made good on his campaign promise to elevate higher eduation's domestic priority, writes Art Hauptman. But are his budget proposals adequate to meet the lofty goals he has now established?

Mothering at Mid-Career: Snow Days, Sabbaticals, and Unstructured Time

I read a piece in the Chronicle recently about learning to use unstructured time productively. Or, that’s what I thought...

Ask the Administrator: What's Your Motivation?

A new correspondent writes: I've been doing some reading in economics lately and started wondering about higher education. What are...

The upside of escapism

Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to watch an old (old, old) movie -- Trouble in Paradise. It was...