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LSU Fires Tenured Shreveport Professor, Environmental Advocate

A tenured professor at Louisiana State University at Shreveport who was accused by his campus chancellor of “creating a toxic...
An illustration of multiple featureless black faces with red tape over where their mouths would be.

A Dean Called for Silencing Harvard’s Faculty Critics. He’s Been Roasted.

Lawrence D. Bobo’s argument that professors should face sanctions for inciting “external actors” to “intervene” at the university has been roundly lambasted. But it tapped into an ongoing debate: When is outside intervention warranted?

Arizona Governor Vetoes Attempt to Limit Faculty Governing Power

Arizona’s Democratic governor on Friday vetoed a bill that would have diminished faculty members’ role in the shared governance of...

Trustees Vote to Dissolve University of Kentucky Senate

The University of Kentucky Board of Trustees voted Friday morning to dissolve the university Senate, The Lexington Herald-Leader reported. The...
A photo illustration combining a photo of the University of Kentucky’s campus on the left with a photo of university President Eli Capilouto on the right.

Faculty Power on the Line in Kentucky

University of Kentucky leaders are on the verge of replacing a strong University Senate with a purely advisory body. Faculty members are asking a simple question: Why? 

Judge Says LSU Shreveport Broke Open Meetings Law

A judge has ruled that Louisiana State University at Shreveport violated the state’s open meetings law in a faculty member’s...
A photo illustration containing some recommendations from a draft report by a North Dakota State Board of Higher Education committee.

Tenure Under Fire—Again—in North Dakota

Republican lawmakers and a university president pushed a bill last year that would diminish faculty job protections at two institutions. It failed by a hair, but the State Board of Higher Education has taken up the mantle.

American Sociological Assoc. Members Call for Gaza Ceasefire

Members of the American Sociological Association (ASA) have passed a resolution calling “for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza”...