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Separation of Home and Office: Home-Offices and Homey Offices

Every morning I wake up, get dressed, put on my make-up, drink a glass of cold milk with no sugar...

Questioning 'What Technology Wants'

I think you should read What Technology Wants and decide for yourself if Kelly is saying anything new or interesting...

Message From Your President

John Warner shares the memo you may soon receive.

Adobe Connect Pro for Browser-Based Voice-Over Authoring?

Requirements: The ability to easily create and share voice-over presentations. Does not require any download or installation of an application...

The Illusion of Google's Limitless Library

Google launched on Monday . They have a happy little video about it. It's all about choice! You can choose...

Outgrowing Santa

Every parent knows the moment is inevitable. I think The Boy is onto us about Santa. He hasn’t actually said...

Brace yourselves: Facebook rolls out new profile pages

Mark Zuckerberg et al. seem to find endless joy in making us learn a new user interface (UI). It is...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Abbreviated Pre-Holiday Edition

Classes are over, so I’m breathing a sigh of relief, right? Well, in a word, no. Now we hold all...