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Freedom With Responsibility in Cornell's Caring Community

Last week Cornell University's Office of the Dean of Students and Cornell Information Technologies hosted a forum to discuss technology...

Higher Education Under American influence? The French diaspora and higher education reforms

A lot of ink has already been spilled over the recent French report from the Montaigne Institute “Gone for good...

Getting In on the Ground Floor

Even in the tight job market, new academic units are hiring. Would their positions be a good fit for you? Daniel Kennedy shares questions to consider.

Is Fundamental Change Really 'Inevitable'?

On November 17, an article here entitled “ Is Higher Ed Ready to Change?” referred to “the embrace of the...

Google: Groupon? Not Blackboard?

Six billion for Groupon from Google would have been a stupid number. A stupid deal. Google got lucky that Groupon...

Research Design in a Recession

My college is planning a major student survey for the Spring. We’re drawing up questions that we think could help...

The Pumpkin Seed Principle

During October, November and December each year I tend to serve stuffed pumpkin four or five times. That means I...

To Waive or Not to Waive

I am not in a position to gauge whether Cathleen P. Black should or should not be granted a waiver...