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Read Me

For several years during my early 20’s, I kept a journal that I called the “Read Me Journal.” There are...

The Great Divide

When I was growing up, a vacation meant two weeks in Florida visiting my grandparents. Delray Beach, with its palm...

Stephen Toope (UBC) on global challenges and the organizational-ethical dilemmas of universities

Editors' note: our sincere thanks to Stephen J. Toope, President and Vice-Chancellor, University of British Columbia, for his thought provoking...

A Study of Self-Plagiarism

Can scholars plagiarize themselves? Perry A. Zirkel examines one case and its implications.

A Dual Exit

Why do both members of an academic couple leave higher ed? They tell Eliza Woolf.

The Post-Modern MRS

The benighted “MRS” degree bore a particular meaning for my mother’s generation. Young women went off to college with minimal...

When Internal Adjuncts Apply

In response to Wednesday’s 'helpful hints' post, several people asked about special tips for adjuncts applying for full-time jobs at...

Getting Rid of Books: A Heresy

Libraries are often in a tricky place when it comes to removing books from the collection. It makes some people...