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We Need an Adjunct Union

It's time for a national organization, focused exclusively on collective bargaining for those off the tenure track, writes Keith Hoeller.

Redefining Victory

This one may be a little inside-baseball, but folks new to administrative roles may find some value in it. Let’s...

Long Distance Mom: Tree Climbing Therapy

This weekend I took my daughter tree climbing as part of the new therapy she’s been receiving. Katie was given...

The B.R.I.C.I.'s, Higher Ed,

The thing about the Chrome laptop is that it will eventually (soon) be very cheap. The Chrome laptop is not...

Reserves to the Rescue?

According to this piece from the SUNY New Paltz student newspaper -- hat-tip to the NFM Twitter feed on this...


No time of the year more clearly reminds me of my ineptitude as a correspondent than the Christmas season. For...

Reading the Creek

Karen Hoelscher and Carmen Werder offer tips on how to pitch a piece of writing to publishers.

The Last Utopia

A new book looks at the history of the human rights movement and reaches surprising conclusions. Scott McLemee interviews the author.