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The New Bachelor's Payoff

Full employment of bachelor's degree holders looms amid further proof that a four-year degree has become a requirement for a good-paying job, which also comes with employer training.

Counting Students Equally?

The Education Department's ratings framework embraces the concept of adjusting outcomes for student demographics -- an approach that would be unusual for the federal government but that isn't without its critics.

Sticking With Credit Hour

Carnegie Foundation releases its much-awaited report on the credit hour -- higher education's currency -- which disappoints some by not calling for different standard unit for learning.

Learning From a Bold Experiment

Florida's remedial reform law poses both complex challenges and valuable opportunities, writes Shouping Hu.

Test Anxiety

Purdue's politician turned president wants a nationally normed measure of what students learn -- and he's tired of waiting. Professors want meaningful assessment but aren't sold on standardized exams.

Intellectual Connections

Association of American Colleges and Universities highlights integrative liberal learning at annual meeting. But what is it?

GED Drop

Fewer people earned a GED last year, following the introduction of a new version of the exam. Should the lower numbers cause concern?

Measuring Substance

Three public college associations release draft discussion guide for how to measure student success after college.