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Flexibility or an End Run?

U of Maine System wants to end campus-by-campus accreditation. Would local needs and faculty voice be lost?

Grants for Today's Student

A new report contends that state aid programs should better meet the needs of modern students in today's college landscape, which is vastly different from when most such programs were developed.

Wider-Ranging Rankings

Brookings report rates several thousand two- and four-year colleges on graduates' economic outcomes, and by controlling for student traits, strives to measure the value the institutions themselves add.

Change, but How Substantive?

Arizona State U's accreditor has yet to review the institution's "MOOCs for credit" initiative. Experts are unsure what such a review might bring.

Extending the Credential

"Extending the Credential " is a print-on-demand compilation of articles that explores such topics as competency-based education, internships, the role...

Emerging Path to Federal Aid

Senate Republicans echo the Obama administration by proposing alternative pathways to accreditation and, possibly, federal aid for noninstitutional providers like Udacity, General Assembly and edX.

New Debates About Accountability

Inside Higher Ed has released "New Debates About Accountability," our latest print-on-demand compilation of articles. As with other such booklets...

Will Ratings Displace Accreditation?

The Obama administration’s proposed system could substitute federal officials’ judgment of institutional quality for peer review by academics, Judith Eaton argues.