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A key in an open padlock.

Who’s Afraid of Open Science?

Tom Ciavarella calls for an open debate on the White House’s open science policy.

Cover of Paved Paradise by Henry Grabar, red lettering on a white field that looks like a parking sign

‘Paved Paradise’ and Campus Parking

“The university is a series of individual entrepreneurs held together by a common grievance about parking.”

3 Essential Steps to Share Research With Popular Audiences

How to broaden the reach and increase the impact of your academic writing.

Clock with "Work" written in red taking up more than half of the face of the clock and "life" in green taking up about a fourth, while a man stands on the hands at 3:30 trying to push back the work section

Is It Time for the 32-Hour Workweek?

Robert Roßbach, Kendra Sewall and Stefanie Robel explore why shorter work hours are, in fact, realistic for academic researchers and the advantages this approach can offer.

An illustration of a college student's transcript with grades redacted in red.

Our Transcripts Are Academic Rap Sheets—and We Can Do Better

Learning (not rigor) is what prepares students for life after graduation, and our teaching—and transcripts—should reflect that, Jane L. Lubischer writes.

‘The Question’ for Making Important Decisions

In meetings, how much time should you spend making consequential decisions versus discussing various options before making a final decision?

Improv in the College Classroom

Take a chance and apply the playful techniques of improv with your students.

A view of Newark, N.J., featuring buildings near the river.

In Our Own Backyards

The Supreme Court decision on race-conscious admissions was a wake-up call to embrace the full diversity of the talent pools in our cities and communities, Nancy Cantor writes.