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In Defense of the Word Doc

Amie Souza Reilly explains why she's saying no to WebEx courses.

Planning for Mode of Course Delivery in Summer and Fall

As many of us are still grappling with the daily details of remote delivery of campus classes, we must turn our eyes to the summer and fall.

Moving Classes Online Is Hard. Online Discussion Can Help.

To achieve better success rates in online learning, we need to cultivate the sort of student engagement that's often the hallmark of great teaching and learning environments, writes Kathleen Ives.

Sharing Your Own Writing With Students

Sharing your work and a pedagogy of vulnerability.

Op-ed Writing Tips to Consider During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The surge in volume of faculty and administrator opinion pieces means competition for highly coveted op-ed pages is higher than ever.

Application Advice From a Veteran Grant Writer

Amid the current chaos, it can’t hurt -- and could even be therapeutic -- to put some optimistic energy into the future of your research by seeking a fellowship, writes Courtney C. W. Guerra.