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‘The Decadent Society’ During Pandemic

Have worries about cultural, political and economic stagnation lost their relevance in the age of COVID-19?

Getting Down to Business in Difficult Days

Colleges must immediately develop flexible financial planning that accounts for what happens in the spring and what might occur in the fall, write Brian C. Mitchell and Richard K. Gaumer.

How to Prepare for an Effective Virtual Interview

Bertin M. Louis Jr., who has chaired and served on numerous search committees, offers four helpful tips.

Friday Fragments

Synchronous courses, old friends, a mystery solved and a tribute.

New Zoom Features That Will Be Delayed

Features pushed back for 90 days as Zoom focuses on privacy and security.

Figuring Out How to Teach From a Distance

We may be looking at teaching from a distance for the indefinite future. I had to figure out how to teach students I'd never meet.


As academia seems to forge sturdily ahead, the internet bares our real COVID-19 anxieties.