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This Is Not an Experiment

There's lots of things we should be observing and thinking about. That doesn't mean we're in the midst of an experiment.

Taking a Break from the Pandemic to Discuss ‘The New Class War’

The origins of our economic, political, and cultural polarization.

Different (Pen) Strokes

Graduate writing practices, part II.

Teaching About an Outbreak in Real Time

Kim Mix, a professor of biological sciences, describes the challenges of educating students about the coronavirus when the imbalance between rapid-fire news and vetted scientific information has created a dangerous infodemic.

Going Nonviral

Scott McLemee reviews John Kaag's Sick Souls, Healthy Minds: How William James Can Save Your Life.

Coming Together in Crisis Times

The pandemic has deepened the divide between the faculty and administration on most campuses, but if ever there were a time to give one another the benefit of the doubt, it is now, write Carolyn Dever and George Justice.

Friday Fragments

Zoom, the word of the year and channeling Wednesday Addams.