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Here We Are… Yet Again

The American university is once more in financial crisis, writes Nicholas S. Zeppos, and he cites five lessons from the past to help deal with it this time around.

Don’t Cancel Commencement

This year, the podium and platform may be gone, but the audience may be wider than ever if your institution reinvents the ceremony, Vinca LaFleur and Ilana Ross argue.

Great Advice Is Closer Than You Know

If you are in graduate school or beyond, you've lived long enough to know how to respond to challenges that life presents you, Victoria McGovern writes. What would your younger self tell you?

Go Outside the Box and Go Local

High school juniors need new strategies for applying to college in the coronavirus era, writes Susan Chan Shifflett.

Contagious Civic Engagement

Such engagement can also spread like a virus, writes Michael S. Roth, and we must now turn to virtual tools to strengthen our networks for democracy.