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‘Extreme Economies’ and Higher Ed in 2050

What can we learn from outliers about the future?

Colleges Get an F on the ‘F’ Factor

Strong relationships with their fathers can empower female students, yet colleges often aren't adequately attuned to them and overlook their importance, writes Linda Nielsen.

Dear DEI People: Your Black Colleagues Are Waiting

Courtney N. Wright asks, why aren't more administrators who say they support diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives reaching out to their black colleagues now?

Of Collapsology

Scott McLemee reviews How Everything Can Collapse: A Manual for Our Times by Pablo Servigne and Raphaël Stevens.

Houston as a ‘Prophetic City’

A biography of our nation’s fourth-largest city.

Service in Exchange for Tuition

By having people of all backgrounds, ethnicities and geographical regions work together, a federal loan-for-service program might help heal our deep national divide, argues Roger Hull.