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So Long, Comments

I will miss what the comments here have provided, but I'm not sorry to see them go. Maybe there's a replacement?

Reflections on the Invisible Labor of Online Teaching

Given the rightful fear and anxiety that our students are feeling, online instruction has opened a portal for them to seek therapy-like consultations from professors, writes Irina Popescu.

A Day in the Life of a Remote Undergraduate Student: Fall 2020

Beth Seltzer envisions how the term may unfold for a student who remains off campus in September.

A Day in the Life of a Remote Instructor: Fall 2020

Jenae Cohn envisions how the term may unfold for a faculty member who remains off campus in September.

An End to Reader Comments

And the introduction of letters to the editor.

The General Education Curriculum We Need

Reimagining gen ed requirements in the age of George Floyd.