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Academic Advising in a Pandemic and Beyond

Given academe will probably change fundamentally in the future, academic advising should clearly reconsider and define its role, writes Eric R. White.

A Win for Inclusion

The Supreme Court shows unexpected integrity.

My Scaffold Was Actually a Jenga Tower

Questioning some fundamentals in order to help achieve "resilient pedagogy."

The Invisible Minority in STEM

Being a transgender scientist and trainee.

Applying Your Ph.D. Knowledge to Alt-Ac Careers

The skills you’ve learned are vital, but so is the actual subject-matter expertise you’ve gained, argues Dan Moseson.
Illustration of students at desks

Let's Get the College Board and ACT Out of Admissions

COVID-19 has changed the equation, writes Ryan Gildersleeve.

Students Aren’t the Best Rule Followers

Just knowing how to keep themselves safe is not enough for students to actually do it, advises Lee Burdette Williams.