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Doctoral Dysfunction

Many doctoral students today are tending to fall into one of two disturbing categories: academic technician or justice warrior, writes David F. Labaree.

Diversity and Inclusion Are Not Enough

Simply adding race to the list of differences equally targeted in a diversity strategy won't eradicate the systemic racism that marginalizes -- and kills -- black Americans, writes Benjamin D. Reese.

Should We Do Away With Office Hours?

The ways and extent to which students expect faculty members to be accessible has been undergoing a recognizable shift in recent years, writes Jennifer L. Brinkley.

Technology, Truth and Tomorrow

In recent weeks America has come to a reckoning over long-unmet societal values on racial justice, equity and commitment to diversity. Why now? What has changed?

We Shouldn’t Give Up on Literacy-Based Learning

In the push for active and learner-oriented instruction, let’s not abandon classic methods of reading, writing and lecturing, Matt Ayars argues.