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Ask the Administrator: Starting from Scratch

A new correspondent writes: The University of the District of Columbia is spinning off a new community college. If you...

The Library Web Site of the Future

Professors don’t view academic library portals as their source for scholarly resources. Rather than fight that trend, Steven Bell writes, librarians should transform their Web sites and put their content where faculty and students can find it.

Mothering at Mid-Career: Lines, dead and other

February was somehow a month of deadlines for me. There was a short commissioned piece to write, a column, an...

The 'Business Model' Is the Wrong Model

In their honest desire to satisfy the current demand for “accountability” in higher education, many academics have begun to worship...

Ask the Administrator: HS vs. CC Faculty

A regular correspondent writes: What, exactly, are CC faculty supposed to do that substantially distinguishes them from high school teachers...

Flowers in a bowl

I like to buy my wife flowers when it's cold out. Not on Valentine's Day -- I'm too cheap to...

HS vs. CC Faculty

What, exactly, are CC faculty supposed to do that substantially distinguishes them from high school teachers? I don't mean this in a derogatory manner, I was a high school teacher and found the job incredibly fulfilling. Similarly, I was a full-time CC instructor on the tenure-track. In order to be approved for tenure I was expected to teach classes (actually semester hours) to a reasonable standard of competency. I was also expected to take part in the organizational structure of the college by serving on committees. It was expected that I keep current in the methods of pedagogy in my field and demonstrate that I was attempting to improve my instruction (note that this is pre-tenure).

AWP, Part 5

The AWP is wrapping up today, and we’ll be jumping on a train later tonight, but I wanted to get...