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Affirmative action in higher education in Brazil

As reported by the newspaper Folha de São Paulo [1] a recent study from the State University of Rio de...

Park Is Not Neutral

Parking on a University campus is always a passionate issue. In many cases, the issue is the number of sports...

Just Say No

If you want your career to advance, you need to minimize service work, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

The Entrepreneurial University

Holden Thorp and Buck Goldstein consider how leading research institutions should -- and should not -- change.

When "Degree" Becomes "Kind"

There’s an old saying to the effect that a difference of degree eventually becomes a difference of kind. One could...

A Message To My Fellow Audible/Amazon Platinum Listeners

Hello any fellow Audible/Amazon Platinum Membership subscribers who manage to find this message. We are a tribe of dedicated audiobook...

Where the Students Aren't

Boston, Massachusetts, USA The dean’s office. The provost’s office. The president’s office. I have found that one of the most...

Not Quite Back to Normal

I wrote a few weeks ago about an encounter my son had with the police, and how this affected our...