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Repurposed circuits

Frau R. came back this week from a conference in Tennessee. Whilst away, she picked up a Christmas gift for...

Creative Writers: Fill Those Seats, Save the Day

A friend in another department asked a few months ago how my semester was finishing out. I told him about...

Why There's No Kindle "Freedom" in Libraries

The publishing industry should give two individuals awards for doing as much as Oprah to promote books: Jon Stewart and...

Getting humble

Greenback's campus has been abuzz for the past few days. In conjunction with the opening of the UN General Assembly...

Lacking the Mission(ary) Zeal

Although many demur, faculty members have a responsibility to care about, and be role models for, students' development outside the classroom, Kevin Brown argues.

From Academe to Wall Street

Eliza Woolf chats with an English Ph.D. who made a career at an investment firm.

Academic Hoarding

During a recent cleaning spree, I came to a slightly upsetting conclusion about myself: I am a hoarder. I hoard...

Accessibility isn't a "feature": Responding to a drive-by comment

I usually have several different post ideas floating around in my brain at any given time. I try to select...