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Listen in as the staff of Ninth Letter discuss the collaboration between Art & Design faculty and Creative Writing faculty at the University of Illinois in producing the award-winning journal. Edited and designed by faculty and students as part of the core curricula of both programs, the journal’s mission is to present original literary writing of exceptional quality, illuminated by cutting-edge graphic design.

Work published in Ninth Letter has been selected for many awards anthologies such as Best American Nonrequired Reading, The Pushcart Prize, Best American Short Stories, Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror, Best Creative Nonfiction, Best New Fantasy, Best New Poets, and New Stories from the Midwest.

The journal has also received many national and international awards for graphic design, and has been featured in the design awards annuals of both STEP Inside Design and HOW Magazine. In 2005 Ninth Letter was named Best New Literary Journal by the Council of Learned Journals, an affiliate of the Modern Language Association.

Click here to listen as editor Jodee Stanley talks with creative writing professor Philip Graham and Visiting Assistant Professor of Graphic Design Jonathan Krohn, and makes a visit to Assistant Professor of Graphic Design Jimmy Luu’s Ninth Letter production class.

If you’re at the conference, check out Jodee Stanley at a panel Saturday, 10:30-11:45, Ambassador Ballroom, Omni Shoreham Hotel, West Lobby, called “The 1960 National Book Award Revisited: What Makes Fiction Last?” What do we value most highly in fiction, and what gets cast aside by the way we define “ambition”?

And later on Saturday, off-site, 7-10 p.m. “Monster Mags of the Midwest.” Free, at Bread & Brew. I'll be there for sure.

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