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Doing Quality Assurance in Afghan Higher Education

Some things here are strikingly similar here to elsewhere, like territorial behaviour by Ministries. Others are quite different - the...

Advising and the Job Letter

Graduate departments need to remember their role in shaping a key part of their students' applications for academic jobs, writes Richard C. Sha.

Because No System Defines Me

Will Hochman responds to an anonymous poem about leaving an academic career with a poem about staying.

An Open Letter to Ed.D. Candidates

Dear Ed.D.’s, I know y’all have it a little rough. Many academics don’t take your credentials terribly seriously. Until recently...

Academia's 3Ms (Merit, Money, Marriage)

The Economist's 16 December issue opened its article on why doctoral degrees waste 21st century students' time and money with...

The Holiday Break

I really look forward to the December holiday break. Though the University is always prepared and staffed if any emergency...

Critiquing "Blunder"

There is a section of my (virtual) bookshelf (stored on the Audible/Amazon cloud) that could be titled: "Why You Are...

Planned Obsolescence

When my son was around ten, we discovered that we could access Jay Leno’s headlines on the computer. Since we...