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Some real good news

Two items of good news for the environment, one of them potentially very significant. First, it appears that Italy has...

Parental Reality Check

What happens when you teach the arts, the job market is terrible, and your son wants to be an arts major? Robin Gerchman considers the challenge.

Long Distance Mom: Criticism

I ended last semester with 58 student research papers to read and grade in 10 days. 700 (digital) pages to...

Ask the Administrator: HR as Black Hole

A new correspondent writes: What happens when a community college Human Resources department receives application materials for a job (in...

The Transition from Solo-to-Team Course Design

One of the most important, but least remarked upon, higher ed trends over the past 10 years has been the...

Good news, bad news, mortality and sex

A family member likes to say, referring to a single fact within a situation, "that's the good news -- it's...

The Three Solipsisms of Tony Judt

In his short memoir, The Memory Chalet, dictated at the end of his life as he lay immobilized from motor...

Getting Ahead

Two days left of our Christmas break and I found myself scrambling. I needed to catch up on all I’d...