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The Virtual Chair: Academic Management by Remote Control

After two decades in the academe, I have purposely avoided being nominated to any administrative position. This came from an...

Happy Birthday, Wikipedia

Wikipedia will celebrate its tenth birthday at the end of this week. It's one of those anniversaries, like the recent...

Living and Learning on the Third Shift

A great deal of work and learning -- and less ideal activities -- unfold on campuses overnight. Colleges should pay more attention to what happens then, writes Lee Burdette Williams.

Gabrielle Giffords' Message

The entire nation is reeling with the devastating events in Tucson and the attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords. While we...

Liberal Arts or General Education?

I read with interest the exchange Historiann had with Anthony Grafton, the new President of the American Historical Association. It...

iPad 2 EDU Wish List

Are you dreaming of the perfect iPad? Or at least a better iPad, the iPad 2. The current iPad is...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Starting Fresh

One of the great joys of academic life, it seems to me, is the opportunity for fresh starts. New semesters...

Extreme Jobs: Governors' Edition

This month, we’re meeting the largest class of new governors in history. Twenty-nine will be inaugurated this month. As extreme...