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8 Reasons For Engaging with EDU For-Profits

Why am I interested in engaging with (talking to, spending time with, breaking bread with etc.) people (leadership, faculty, administrators)...

Why Do We Write?

This is the first in a series of posts from our archives. We will be sharing posts that we published...

RSS delivers student affairs job opportunities to your Reader

In 2010, the 13th most-popular post on my personal blog was " Student Affairs + Jobs + RSS + Email."...

Job Letter Mistakes

Richard C. Sha reviews some of the ways good candidates for humanities openings hurt their chances of landing an interview.

Female Complaints

Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wall-Paper" is a feminist classic. Scott McLemee looks into the story behind the story.

Diversity Hiring

I’m on the horns of a dilemma here, and I’m hoping that crowdsourcing the problem might lead to a sustainable...

ABC's and PhD's: Play

When I was in elementary school I hated school recess. A list with a rotating schedule assigned each classroom to...

Unimpressed: Google EDU Apps Marketplace

"Google Inc. is talking with educational-software companies to help build a marketplace for online learning programs, an industry whose value...