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It’s Time to Embrace the Emotional or Affective Turn

No longer is the study of emotions the exclusive province of psychologists.

Teaching as a Transferrable Skill

The ability to help others learn can be applied in almost any job, and graduate students should develop it as soon as they can, writes Lauren Easterling.

Changing Minds

When was the last time something you read or heard changed your mind about something important?

Why Is the Affirmative Action Debate So Intense?

Kenneth McGhee considers all the factors that affect an admissions decision.

AI-Generated Essays Are Nothing to Worry About

And coming to terms with “robot writing” might just improve writing instruction, S. Scott Graham writes.

Paul LeBlanc’s ‘Broken’ and the Dream of Quality at Scale

How universities, and other organizations, can bend the cost curve while maintaining a relationship-based approach.

Why Liberal Education Matters

Exploring a distinctively American article of faith.

Museum Matters

Scott McLemee reviews Daniel H. Weiss’s Why the Museum Matters.