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Stop Federally Subsidizing For-Profit Institutions

The U.S. government should stand with students by ending federal loans for for-profit institutions, Terry Vaughan III and Nicole Brunt write.

‘Status and Culture’ and the Academic Caste System

How culture (including higher ed culture) is formed, maintained and changed.

Actions of Last Resort in the Academy, Part 1: Internal Avenues

A look at the multiple ways aggrieved individuals or groups in the academy can have their complaints or perceived injustices addressed.

Public Intellectuals or Village Idiots?

Eric Jager explores the significant downsides for both scholars and institutions of the academic addiction to Twitter.

Combating Ukraine’s Brain Drain

Both Ukrainian and international universities have roles to play in building academic collaborations and encouraging Ukrainians to return after the war, Taras Dobko writes.

On Failing Organic Chemistry

Failing organic chemistry kept me from pursuing medicine and pushed me to pursue my passion for journalism. That may have been a good thing, Pamela Gwyn Kripke writes.