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Why Historical Fiction Matters

The history that lies beyond pure fact.

Finding a Career Mentor (in Addition to an Academic One)

Your thesis adviser may be the best person to guide your research, but conversations about your career may need to happen outside your department, Daniel J. Moglen advises.

The End of Rankings

William D. Adams writes that it’s time for all colleges to follow the lead of Colorado College and drop U.S. News.

Building Up Books

New guidelines aim to make peer review more inclusive while also acknowledging the stresses on the peer-review process, Andrew Berzanskis, Jane Bunker and Rebecca Colesworthy write.

The Humanities Are in the Midst of a Historic Paradigm Shift

As new ideas, concepts and terminologies circulate, the humanities evolve. Our challenge is to convince a broad public that the next generation of humanities speaks to their interests and concerns.

Reclaiming Subjectivity: A Report to an Academy

Philip Weinstein considers what STEM can’t teach us—and literature can.

Friday Fragments

“Free” speech is exactly that; responding to readers; a program note.