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Students Talking

Classrooms are filled with students who need to think and talk about gender violence, and professors have a unique opportunity to help that happen, Heather Hewett writes.

4 Questions to Ask to Promote Student Learning

Applying a growth mind-set–by–design approach encourages students to leave the classroom with a sense of agency, writes JT Torres.

Can Video Games Provide Meaningful Learning Experiences?

What video games can teach us about instructional design and educational psychology.

Higher Education: Thoughts Keeping Us Up at Night

What may rattle through your head when you’re lying awake.

How to Kill Innovation: The Florida ‘Master Plan’

Attacks on institutional autonomy, academic freedom and tenure, and diversity initiatives undermine the climate for innovation, Michael Lanford and William G. Tierney write.

A College Leader’s Guide to Risk-Taking

What’s a risk? Who decides? And at what cost? C. K. Gunsalus, Robert A. Easter, Nicholas C. Burbules and BrandE Faupell advise on dealing with all types of risk, including that of inaction.

The University of California Abandons Progress and Preserves Convention

The university system's new policy banning fully online degrees ignores the needs of today's students and leans on outdated information.