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How College Transforms Students

What undergraduates truly learn in college.

A Simplified FAFSA? Yes—and Yet, Not Yet

It’s a great goal, but are we really ready, asks Kent Barnds.

We’re Asking the Wrong Questions About AI

It’s not only about academic integrity: higher ed faces much bigger challenges in the face of frightening questions about the future of the knowledge workforce, Paul LeBlanc writes.

Can AI Write Your Next Résumé and Cover Letter?

Joseph Barber offers recommendations for how graduate students can leverage artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT for exploring career options and pursuing opportunities.

A Sense of Control

The student mental health crisis as a sign of something larger.

HyFlex Should Not Become the Norm

Students need flexibility, yes, but HyFlex is not the answer, Alanna Gillis writes.

An Encouraging Nature

Scott McLemee rounds up upcoming university press titles focused on science, medicine and the natural world.