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Block letters that together spell "Interest," against a backdrop of line graphs.

End the Student Loan Interest Racket

It’s time to stop charging interest on federal student loans, U.S. Representative Joe Courtney writes.

Woman excitedly discussing new project with colleagues

Advice on Selecting Service Opportunities

Steve Baule describes some service options that might be available to new faculty members and provides advice on those they may want to consider.

Cover of Everyday Utopia by Kristen R. Ghodsee

Finding ‘Everyday Utopia’ at the Residential College

Intentional communities and the all-ages residential university.

Trauma and the College Classroom

Teaching with a trauma-informed lens.

hand holding a magnifying glass over the photo of someone's CV or résumé with check marks and the word "approved" on the page

Who Reads Your Job Application Materials?

And what do those people care about? Robert Pearson advises on how to prepare such materials with many audiences in mind.

A sign (approximating a road sign) reads "Test Free Zone," with a standardized test score sheet circled and crossed through in red.

Test-Free Admissions: Why Wait?

While test-optional policies are already the norm, the University of California’s experience points toward test-free admissions as the next best step, Julie J. Park and OiYan Poon write.

Why Arts Education Matters

Vocationalism and the plight of the arts.

Accepted with an asterisk written in white letters on a black background

White Silence as Violence

White academics and administrators cannot abdicate responsibility for leading antiracism efforts in higher education, write Sydney Freeman Jr. and Wendy Bruun.