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Ask the Administrator: If It's Tuesday, You Must Be Steve...

A frustrated correspondent writes: I work at a large regional public university, on a unionized campus with about [several thousand]...

Orienting Parents

Should there be a separate orientation for the parents of new students? The idea is gaining some traction locally, and...


Sometimes I feel bad for Illinois. It has had some issues with its state government -- cough -- that have...

Asking by Listening

A former boss of mine used to say that the key to management consisted of asking “the second question.” The...

Broadcasting and Narrowcasting

Like many colleges, mine is wrestling with a twofold issue: how to improve student success rates generally, and especially how...

Advice for Incoming Students

The son of some family friends is starting college this Fall. They know where I work, so they’ve asked for...

This Week's Tech Wish List

Okay, this is really more Joshua Kim’s territory than mine, but a guy can dream. Some tech developments I’d love...

Ask the Administrator: How to Spot Bloat?

A thoughtful correspondent writes: I really wish someone would figure out a useful guide for identifying bloat, so I can...