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Spiked Cities

I’ve been a fan of Richard Florida’s for several years now. He’s a student of cities who has famously argued...

Plagiarism, Process, and the Point

This exchange from The New Inquiry has been wending its way around the intertubes of late. (Thanks to @colinized on...

ABE, ESL, and Financial Aid

Why doesn’t financial aid cover adult basic education? My college’s community has a significant population of adults whose first language...

Yes, College is Worth It

A quick thought experiment: if you were offered your tuition back -- minus any financial aid -- in return for...


When I was a kid, the first real graduation ceremony came at the end of high school. The second was...

Ask the Administrator: Chairing at the Hotel California

A long-suffering correspondent writes I am long serving chair at a CC, and no one in my division wants to...

Transfer as a Get Out of Jail Free Card

This piece in Salon has drawn some attention lately. It's a recounting of an academic advisor's usual responses to parents...