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Academic and Financial Officers

Sometimes I think I’ve been blessed. At my college, the academic and financial sides of administration work well together. This...

The Girl at 7

The Girl had her seventh birthday yesterday. TW’s parents made the journey for the occasion, and we did the whole...

Ask the Administrator: Discretion and Discrimination

A longtime reader writes: I've noticed that in your posts you often (in passing) mention lawsuit risks, it seems usually...

Class and Summer Classes

The kids who most need summer classes are the least likely to get them. The folks who study student success...

Gainful Employment, on the Ground

In an effort to crack down on unscrupulous for-profits, the Feds have passed a massive unfunded mandate on community colleges...

... And Don't Report Back

This one is particularly for my fellow administrators out there. Strategic ignorance can be a wonderful thing, if used correctly...

Holiday Highlights

- Once in a while, it’s good for the soul to forget about all the bureaucratic stuff and just careen...

College Radio

Apparently, college radio has fallen on hard times. This should come as no surprise, since radio generally has fallen on...