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I’ll miss Borders.Although most people remember Borders as a big-box suburban store, to me it was always a big-box chain...

Of Visions and Videogames

Gary Olson, a former provost, has a piece up over at the Chronicle detailing advice he would give to a...

Ask the Administrator: Hate Mail

A returning correspondent writes: I received a communication from a student who failed my class. The communication was short and...

Blind Pigs

Dontcha hate it when when someone whose views strike you as generally asinine happens to score a really good point...

Where the Boys Are

And the men aren’t. Sometimes just a few statistics can tell a story. Here’s a pair I found fascinating. Our...

An Open Letter to Congress

Dear Congress, As you know, I spend a disheartening amount of my time benchmarking, quantifying, and planning initiatives with measurable...

If I Could Get Away With It...

I’d have everyone on campus read Moneyball, by Michael Lewis. It’s several years old now, but its point still holds...

8 a.m. Classes

This piece in IHE last week set off quite the firestorm. It’s about the felt futility of teaching the dreaded...