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One Chart to Rule Them All

Wow. If you haven’t seen this chart yet, go look. It shows the cumulative growth of student loan debt in...

Ask the Administrator: Should I Complain to the Dean?

A frustrated student writes (it’s a bit long): In a nutshell: I got a B and should have gotten an...


TW took the kids to visit her parents for the last few days, so The Dog and I have been...

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Yesterday I had a chance to catch up with an old friend -- High School Friend on Wrong Ocean was...

No More Spring Scrambles

This year, we're trying something different. As many a frustrated academic knows, there's a hiring season for full-time faculty. Broadly...

The Dorsal Fin

It’s that time of the summer. Now that the rest of the world has passed “shark week,” we academics can...

College Websites

I know this is a big topic, but it has become salient recently in my world. My college is taking...