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Status Anxiety

Earlier this week I had a pair of meetings right on top of each other that made for a hell...

Confessions of a Community College Dean - ESL

What’s the role of ESL at a community college? It isn’t obvious. ESL refers to English as a Second Language...

Confessions of a Community College Dean - Online as Last Resort

Okay, it’s late August, your college has a policy that nothing outside of a few specialized classes (clinicals, studios, labs...

Selfish Tech

Why can’t you re-sell a “used” e-book? I can’t come up with a decent technical reason that it couldn’t be...

Cabin Fever

The good news is that Hurricane Irene didn’t inflict any major damage on us. I know that’s not true for...

Carey: Perry Visionary?

Kevin Carey, whom I consider one of the more thoughtful and interesting higher ed writers out there, made a startling...

Fragments from Orientation Week

Watching audiences from the back of the auditorium is always enlightening. For Liberal Arts orientations, I saw many tattoos and...

Two and Out

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the students who get their two-year degree here, and hope to get a...