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Faculty Roles: The Next Diversity Frontier

It's time to stop pretending that all faculty members should or realistically have the talents to divide their efforts similarly among teaching, research and service, writes Judith Shapiro.

Social Sciences Produce Leaders

New global survey of those in positions of influence finds that 44 percent have a degree in social sciences. Another 11 percent studied humanities.

Asking for Less

The next president of the University of Texas at Austin declined a $1 million base salary and instead opted for $750,000. Faculty members say it's because "he gets it."

Leveling the Field

McMaster U addresses gender pay gap by giving $3,500 raises to female faculty members.

Modest Gains in Faculty Pay

Faculty pay is up 2.2. percent, or 1.4 percent adjusted for inflation, new A.A.U.P. survey finds. Despite modest gains, association says professor pay can't be blamed for tuition hikes. Searchable database by institution available exclusively here.

Keep Students, Earn More

Faculty and administrators are pleased with Coastal Carolina U. program that links salary decompression with increased student retention.

Matching More With Less

UW-Madison chancellor comes under fire for recently admitting she matches outside faculty offers with course load reductions. Is there anything wrong with the practice?

When Less Is Less

Purdue told employees that days off for vacation, sick leave and other reasons would be combined in a streamlined program. Then employees did the math.