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Follow the Money

A Berkeley analysis of disparities by race and gender in faculty salaries raises key questions: Which gaps matter? Why do gaps vary? What can be done to eliminate them?

Anticipating Cost Hikes

Unsure about how insurance costs will fare when Affordable Care Act is fully in place, institutions are passing on anticipated cost increases to employees, CUPA-HR survey suggests.

The Economics of Prestige

CUNY's hiring of Paul Krugman was seen as a coup, but James Hoff doesn't think public universities should be spending big bucks on stars who won't do much teaching.

Professor Pay Up 2.2%

Faculty salaries outpace inflation, according to a new AAUP report, which notes many lingering economic challenges. Plus lists of the institutions with the highest salaries.

Actual Raises for Faculty

Study finds 2.1% median increase for tenure-track faculty members in 2013-14, with those at public institutions enjoying slightly larger hikes than those at privates. Disciplinary gaps remain significant.

Rank and File

In an unusual move for a community college, Wake Tech is offering some faculty traditional professor ranks -- and raises.

It's Not Faculty Salaries

Study documents that growth in higher ed hiring in recent years has failed to keep pace with enrollment increases, and challenges idea that tuition increases can be blamed on professors' pay.

Betting on Performance

Employees at an Australian university will vote this week on a proposal to tie their raises to the university's financial results, with a bonus pool possible.