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Not Biting

A British MOOC on vampire fiction is first in the country to offer an option of paying for credit. There were no takers.

Try, Try Again

Two years and twice as many iterations later, MOOC instructors at Stanford U. say they are finally seeing results.

What's In It for Us?

In similar editorials, student journalists at UT-Austin and Cornell U. ask why MOOCs aren't yet benefiting residential students.

Going Local

MOOCs need geographic relevance (which may not be massive) to truly succeed in diverse, developing nations, writes Charles C. Reith.

Massive Closed Online Courses

Want to enroll Iranian students in your MOOC? Get a waiver.

Everything in Moderation

A Coursera MOOC instructor strives to find the right balance between open discussion and moderation after his course turns into "a snakepit of personal venom."

One Course, Three Flavors

Students in Harvard University's introductory computer science course face a choice of what they earn upon completion: a certificate, a $350 voucher or academic credit.

Brazil’s Home-Grown MOOC

Boosting skills and access are the aims of a new Portuguese-medium platform.