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50,000 Strong to Change Higher Ed

Duke's Cathy Davidson plans a massive collaborative effort to tackle the challenges facing higher education.

Debt-Free Degrees

David Bergeron and Steven Klinsky explain how a new innovation-focused accreditor could ensure the quality of individual courses and drive down the cost of a degree.

Common Market for MOOCs

Could Europe outpace the U.S.? Many experts think the key is awarding credit.

Helpful or a Hindrance?

Georgia Tech official describes Udacity partnership on Capitol Hill, provoking back-and-forth about whether accreditation encourages or deters innovation.

Beyond the Skepticism

It's appropriate to be cautious about the way MOOCs and other innovations are changing higher education, but efforts are moving ahead to measure and assure their quality, writes Molly Corbett Broad.

The Full Report on Udacity Experiment

San Jose State's study of its work using MOOCs to teach some course points to many problems not mentioned in last month's optimistic update.

Open-Source MOOCs

MOOC provider edX finds a powerful partner in Google for its new platform, Open edX.

The Great MOOC Experiment

Before jumping to conclusions or buying all the hype, it's important to remember that most technological advances involve considerable trial and error, writes Gary S. May.