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Specializations, Specialized

Massive open online course provider Coursera adds corporate partners to its course sequences and says it has found a business model.

Have MOOCs Helped or Hurt?

Randy Best writes that, despite all the hype, the massive course trend may be more faddish than influential.

Umbrella Group Backs Unbundling

ACE continues online experimentation with proposed pool of general education courses from colleges and providers like StraighterLine.

A Platform for All Purposes

EdCast, a new online education platform provider, wants to use open-source software to help institutions teach courses to on-campus and online students all at once.

Less Prescriptive in California

California's Democratic leaders have taken a gentler approach in push for the state's colleges to get creative with online courses, including with a $50 million award fund.

No Apologies

It's time for students who leave MOOCs and the professors who teach them to stop apologizing, writes Jeffrey Pomerantz.

My Course, Your Content

A report on MOOCs in Maryland classrooms delivers encouraging results, but faculty members say shaping a course around another instructor's content can be tricky.

A Question of Quality

Coursera has come under attack after an instructor conducted a social experiment on his students, but the MOOC provider is sticking with its hands-off policies, saying they promote academic freedom.