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My Course, Your Content

A report on MOOCs in Maryland classrooms delivers encouraging results, but faculty members say shaping a course around another instructor's content can be tricky.

A Question of Quality

Coursera has come under attack after an instructor conducted a social experiment on his students, but the MOOC provider is sticking with its hands-off policies, saying they promote academic freedom.

The Mystery of the Missing MOOC

A social experiment gone wrong? A protest against Facebook? Performance art? Twitter sleuths attempt to figure out why a Coursera MOOC derailed after one week. UPDATE: The professor speaks.

From MOOC to Shining MOOC

University of Pennsylvania instructors and State Department diplomats hope massive online courses will attract more international students to American colleges and universities.

Data, Data Everywhere

Participants in the Gates-funded MOOC Research Initiative discuss their results -- and the pains of working with MOOC data.

Rhetoric Check

A national faculty coalition continues its anti-MOOC offensive, but some critics say the concerns are overblown.

Accreditor for Upstarts

Two groups want to create new bodies that would review the academic quality of individual online courses or non-college providers.

When MOOC Profs Move

If a faculty member swaps institutions, who keeps the intellectual property rights to the massive open online course-- the professor, the university, or both?