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Tempered Expectations

Survey shows academic leaders' enthusiasm for online education dipped in 2013 after interest among institutions with no such offerings faltered.

Go Easy on MOOCs

President Obama's science and technology council recommends the federal government and regional accreditors get out of the way for MOOCs.

Scaling Back in San Jose

University will offer a new round of the courses it created with Udacity -- but this time as regular college classes.

Year of the Backlash

Might massive online courses from elite institutions -- which have been credited with legitimizing online education -- actually be undermining the public view of other forms of digital learning, Peter Stokes and Sean Gallagher ask?

Confirming the MOOC Myth

At a conference on MOOC research, speakers back up commonly held beliefs about the medium with data.

The (Off-Campus) Future of MIT

Using the MOOC provider edX, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology starts to talk about "unbundling" its own education.

50,000 Strong to Change Higher Ed

Duke's Cathy Davidson plans a massive collaborative effort to tackle the challenges facing higher education.

Debt-Free Degrees

David Bergeron and Steven Klinsky explain how a new innovation-focused accreditor could ensure the quality of individual courses and drive down the cost of a degree.