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Four voters stand in their polling booths against a green background.

State Voter ID Laws in Flux, Student IDs in Question

State laws vary widely on whether college-issued IDs can be used at polling places. As some states change or modify the laws, voting rights advocates say the legislative maneuvers may impede student voting.

Protesters at the University of Buffalo, including one holding up a pride flag, demonstrate outside of a Michael Knowles appearance on campus.

University at Buffalo Clubs Caught in Free Speech Crossfire

The student assembly introduced a new rule banning recognition of clubs affiliated with outside groups. Some believe it’s intended to censor a conservative campus organization.

Court: Speech First Has No Standing to Challenge Bias Policies

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit has ruled that Speech First, an organization devoted to promoting free...

Boston U President Blasts Graduation Protesters

Boston University president Robert Brown issued a powerful rebuke Wednesday to students who shouted obscenities at this year’s commencement speaker...
A wooden speaker podium and microphone, against a white background, with no speaker behind it.

Preparing the Campus for a Controversial Speaker

Spencer D. Kelly and Yukari Hirata offer a case study for how they worked to build receptivity among students, faculty and staff to a controversial invited speaker.

Michigan State Students Allege Professor Charged $99 to Fund Own Advocacy

Two conservative Christian Michigan State University students are suing a former professor, alleging she “compelled” 600 students to pay $99...

Protesters Call Out Provost Candidate at Southern Miss

A protest at the University of Southern Mississippi on Tuesday raised concerns about the checkered employment history of Lance Nail...
A camera films students with signs on steps

Brand Protection or Censorship?

Student filmmakers at UCLA were told not to identify their institution in a project about a 1991 campus demonstration, vexing the students and raising concerns about academic freedom.